Color Stuff
Enhancing your HTML pages to incorporate colored backgrounds, text, table cells, divs, links, etc., can make a huge difference in your web site's appearance and appeal. A user is more likely to stick around on a site if they are visually pleased by the format the developer used. Of course, if you use colors poorly, users will evacuate quicker than if you had stayed with the default colors used by your browser. So, choose your colors wisely. Soft, muted colors look a far sight better than brash, bold colors. I am constantly being repulsed away from sites using chartreuse, orange and bright yellow as their primary colors. Gross and definitely hard on the eyes!
Colors that you can use are either based on hexidecimal, or HEX, codes, or by name for the hundred and forty or so colors that have names. The list of names are further down on this page.
All of the color codes used by HTML 3.0 specification and beyond are six digits, though in some instances you can use a three digit code. In the six-digit code, each group of two represents a primary color. The first two digits represent RED, the middle two represent GREEN, and the last two represent BLUE.
In order to get the color red, the HEX code would be ff0000. The first two digits represented by "ff" means that red is fully saturated, while both GREEN and BLUE, which is set as "00", denotes no addition of these two color elements. It is kind of like adding color to a can of white paint. In order to get a particular color, you will have to add a certain number of parts of one of these three primary colors.
All grey colors from black to white will have each set of three primary colors equally balanced, such as 444444, or b5b5b5, which both represent certain shades of perfect grey. When you move any of the three elements away from the other two elements you start tinting your grey to be off-grey. Not to difficult a concept to understand.
The chart below shows the hexidecimal equivalents to color terms that you might see associated with an image you are working on in most graphics programs.
I have set each available value with a shade of grey that will help you determine the darkness of each gradient. Blacks are the lowest numbers with whites being the highest numbers. The red letters in the middle of the chart denote what would be middle grey. Banner
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Conversion of Numerical Color Codes to Hex Color Codes
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
0 000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 0
1 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 1
2 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 2
3 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 3
4 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 4
5 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 5
6 096 097 098 099 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 6
7 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 7
8 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 8
9 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 9
A 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 A
B 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 B
C 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 C
D 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 D
E 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 E
F 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 F
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
The table above is used as follows: a typical color code might be "052 179 084." To translate this to hexidecimal, take the first of the three sets, "052", and find 052 on the table. The column to the left or right is used as the first Hex character and the top or bottom row is used for the second Hex character--34 is your answer. The 179 translates in the same manner as b3. The third as 54. You have a hex value for the color you want as 34b354, or #34b354.
Have you ever wondered how many colors are available using this system? Multiply 256 by 256 and then by 256 again. You will come up with a value of 16,777,216. This is the number of colors that can be rendered this way.
It seems that it is much easier to find the numerical code for the colors in most graphics software today, so this chart should be helpful. JASC uses numerical codes in Paint Shop Pro to identify colors within an image. So does Photoshop from Adobe. My familiarity with other graphics programs is limited but I suspect they all use the same principles.

Color Sliders
I have added three sliders below so that you can experiment with the 16,777,216 RGB colors that are available for use on the web. Each slider will move through the 256 tints that are available in each of the three color groups--red, green and blue. By sliding each slider from 0 through 255 (which corresponds with the table above) the color will change in the box to the right of the sliders. Do note that if you want muted colors as I noted above for the best web appearance, keep the three sliders at a fairly close spread.
Starting from the left in this area there is a button that toggles from LOCK SHADE to UNLOCK SHADE. What this button will do is lock all three sliders together so that they move in unison on their travels to either 0 or to 255, arriving at the destination at the same time from whatever position your sliders start at. This does tend to keep your color shade consistent even though it is growing darker or lighter as the sliders move from left to right.
There are two figures to the right of each slider. The first is a number from 000 through 255. This number is relative to the 256 color tints available for the red, green and blue elements in the color spectrum. The second figure is the hexidecimal equivalent to the first figure.
Above the color box where the hexidecimal color will be shown with the hexidecimal code within, is a small box that will be used by this tool to set the sliders to a particular hexidecimal color value that was set there when the LOCK SHADE was activated.
Reset Hex:

Colors With Associated Names
There are some colors that have their own names and they can be used by simply typing in the color name in the appropriate html code for the page you are working on. Here is a list of all that I could find. Seems to be about 140 of these. I have added these to a database so that I can make additions if anyone should find others, or if I should. Also, you can click in the headings to get this list to sort differently.
Description Hex Color Red Green Blue Color (appearance on web)
red FF0000 255 000 000
lime 00FF00 000 255 000
blue 0000FF 000 000 255
white FFFFFF 255 255 255
black 000000 000 000 000
mediumvioletred C71585 199 021 133
deepskyblue 00BFFF 000 191 255
green 008000 000 050 000
deeppink FF1493 255 020 147
darkorange FF8C00 255 140 000
cornflowerblue 6495ED 100 149 237
khaki F0E68C 240 230 140
darkslategray 2F4F4F 047 079 079
teal 008080 000 128 128
palegreen 98FB98 152 251 152
pink FFC0CB 255 192 203
darkmagenta 8B008B 139 000 139
slategray 708090 112 128 144
violet EE82EE 238 130 238
peru CD853F 205 133 063
purple 800080 128 000 128
aqua 00FFFF 000 255 255
burlywood DEB887 222 184 135
aliceblue F0F8FF 240 248 255
lemonchiffon FFFACD 255 250 205
indigo 4B0082 075 000 130
crimson DC143C 220 020 060
magenta FF00FF 255 000 255
chocolate D2691E 210 105 030
forestgreen 228B22 034 139 034
hotpink FF69B4 255 105 180
lightpink FFB6C1 255 182 193
darkgray A9A9A9 169 169 169
lightgoldenrodyellow FAFAD2 250 250 210
firebrick B22222 178 034 034
lavenderblush FFF0F5 230 230 250
lightcoral F08080 240 128 128
mediumspringgreen 00FA9A 000 250 154
thistle D8BFD8 216 191 216
sienna A0522D 160 082 045
palegoldenrod EEE8AA 238 232 170
mediumpurple 9370D8 147 112 216
royalblue 4169E1 065 105 225
orange FFA500 255 165 000
tan D2B48C 210 180 140
plum DDA0DD 221 160 221
olive 808000 128 128 000
orchid DA70D6 218 112 214
yellowgreen 9ACD32 154 205 050
seashell FFF5EE 255 245 238
fuchsia FF00FF 255 000 255
navajowhite FFDEAD 255 222 173
palevioletred D87093 216 112 147
silver C0C0C0 192 192 192
rosybrown BC8F8F 188 143 143
cadetblue 5F9EA0 095 158 160
mediumorchid BA55D3 186 085 211
darkviolet 9400D3 148 000 211
darkorchid 9932CC 153 050 204
blueviolet 8A2BE2 138 043 226
mediumslateblue 7B68EE 123 104 238
ghostwhite F8F8FF 248 248 255
lavender E6E6FA 230 230 250
mediumblue 0000CD 000 000 205
darkblue 00008B 000 000 139
navy 000080 000 000 128
midnightblue 191970 025 025 112
lightsteelblue B0C4DE 176 196 222
lightslategray 778899 119 136 153
dodgerblue 1E90FF 030 144 255
steelblue 4682B4 070 130 180
lightskyblue 87CEFA 135 206 250
skyblue 87CEEB 135 206 235
lightblue ADD8E6 173 216 230
powderblue B0E0E6 176 224 230
darkturquoise 00CED1 000 206 209
azure F0FFFF 240 255 255
lightcyan E0FFFF 224 255 255
paleturquoise AFEEEE 175 238 238
darkcyan 008B8B 000 139 139
mediumturquoise 48D1CC 072 209 204
lightseagreen 20B2AA 032 178 170
turquoise 40E0D0 064 224 208
aquamarine 7FFFD4 127 255 212
mediumaquamarine 66CDAA 102 205 170
mintcream F5FFFA 245 255 250
springgreen 00FF7F 000 255 127
mediumseagreen 3CB371 060 179 113
seagreen 2E8B57 046 139 087
honeydew F0FFF0 240 255 240
darkseagreen 8FBC8F 143 188 143
lightgreen 90EE90 144 238 144
limegreen 32CD32 050 205 050
darkgreen 006400 000 100 000
lawngreen 7CFC00 124 252 000
chartreuse 7FFF00 127 255 000
greenyellow ADFF2F 173 255 047
darkolivegreen 556B2F 085 107 047
olivedrab 6B8E23 107 142 035
ivory FFFFF0 255 255 240
beige F5F5DC 245 245 220
lightyellow FFFFE0 255 255 224
yellow FFFF00 255 255 000
darkkhaki BDB76B 189 183 107
gold FFD700 255 215 000
cornsilk FFF8DC 255 245 220
goldenrod DAA520 218 165 032
darkgoldenrod B8860B 184 134 011
floralwhite FFFAF0 255 250 240
oldlace FDF5E6 253 245 230
wheat F5DEB3 245 222 179
moccasin FFE4B5 255 228 181
papayawhip FFEFD5 255 239 213
blanchedalmond FFEBCD 255 235 205
antiquewhite FAEBD7 250 235 215
bisque FFE4C4 255 228 196
linen FAF0E6 250 240 230
peachpuff FFDAB9 255 218 185
sandybrown F4A460 244 164 096
saddlebrown 8B4513 139 069 019
lightsalmon FFA07A 255 160 122
coral FF7F50 255 127 080
orangered FF4500 255 069 000
darksalmon E9967A 233 150 122
tomato FF6347 255 099 071
salmon FA8072 250 128 114
mistyrose FFE4E1 255 228 225
snow FFFAFA 255 250 250
indianred CD5C5C 205 092 092
brown A52A2A 065 042 042
darkred 8B0000 139 000 000
maroon 800000 128 000 000
whitesmoke F5F5F5 245 245 245
gainsboro DCDCDC 220 220 220
lightgrey D3D3D3 211 211 211
gray 808080 128 128 128
dimgray 696969 105 105 105
You can use the name in the first column instead of a hexidecimal code to get the color you want. This will, however, limit your color use as not all colors will be represented with a special name.
I hope you have found this useful!

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